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Soul Life Coaching
Energy Healing

What is Healing?


Energy Healing or Spiritual Healing is a completely natural process that promotes better health.  As a Healer I channel healing energies through to you, so that you can re-energise and deeply relax.  This state of deep relaxation supports your body's own  natural resources to deal with illness or a particular problem in the best possible way.  Healing can be helpful in a wide range of physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional conditions, sometimes to a remarkable degree.  It is completely non-invasive and fully complements any other treatment that you may be having. It has been recognised as a therapy by the NHS and doctors are increasingly referring their patients to a Healer.

What Happens in a Healing Session?  

There is an initial consultation, where we can discuss the best way forward for you.  I will then invite you make yourself comfortable on the therapy couch or you can be seated on a chair if you prefer.  There is no need to remove any clothing ( you may want to remove your shoes)  Throughout the Healing I will work with my hands a short distance from your body, this is to balance the energy centres (Chakras).  Sometimes  light touch is used (with your consent) on your shoulders, hands, knees and feet.   During healing you may experience a variety of sensations, perhaps warmth or coolness, tingling or light pressure.  You may feel a little pain coming to the surface, and often dispersing, as healing goes to work.   I often use guided visualisation to help you to relax and to help you release negative emotions, that are causing your energy centres to be out of balance.  My clients always say how peaceful and deeply relaxed they feel throughout the healing session and often remark on how uplifted and energised they feel afterwards!

 I also find that healing is much more effective if you have an openness to anything that happens.  An awareness of the need for change and the motivation to do so can also be helpful.   I will suggest various methods that you can use at home to assist your healing.

I never promise or guarantee a cure, in fact the sole purpose of healing is to promote your own self-healing , I am simply the channel for the healing energies.

"Absolutely beautiful healing session with Jayne today! Jayne is highly intuitive, caring and a wonderful healer. I really benefitted from it - following a busy period in life coupled with pregnancy hormones, I came out of the healing feeling completely energised, reconnected to myself and realigned - both physically and energetically. I would highly recommend spiritual healing with Jayne for any specific concerns, supporting pregnancy wellness, and/or simply for realignment and relaxation. Oh and my unborn baby loved it too! She was very lively, yet it was also a very peaceful and bonding time for us too. Really looking forward to next time, thank you Jayne!" S.G.D. Brixham 


"Jayne Pearl is an amazing healer,. She works totally intuitively, yet professionally. The results from even one session are very profound.... creating shifts from within. Whatever your problem, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Jayne." T.M. Totnes.

"Hi Jayne. I have some very interesting pictures for you, I think you’ll really love them. I saw Harry Oldfield  yesterday in London and he could see your wonderful healing energy being sent to my mum using his PIP machine (that photographs the whole energy body, including all the  meridians) - Thank you so much!
He also mentioned that he could see that you’d sent the Golden…….healing energy, sorry I can’t remember the specific name for it? But wow! Must tell you more when I see you. “ J.R. Plymouth.

Shamanic healing
           Shamanic Healing

  What Is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is thought to be one of the oldest healing practices, stretching back thousands of years and linking to indigenous cultures across the globe. Essentially an energy-based therapy, Shamanism is rooted in the belief that everything has an energy and that, sometimes, work needs to be done to bring things back into balance. 

Traditionally, a Shaman was an important part of tribal life - a medicine person, said to be able to communicate with spirits and 'journey' to spirit realms with the help of their own spirit allies. Modern-day shamanism follows a similar pattern, with Shamanic Practitioners working with power animals and spirit helpers to seek advice for the client. 
How I work
A Shamanic Healing session will include a very detailed consultation, this will help to decide the best way forward. My Shamanic work includes: Power retrieval, Aura cleansing , Chakra balancing, Soul retrieval, Spirit guide connection, Ancestral healing, Soul remembering and Nature based healing.
As a Shamanic practitioner, I see health issues as being connected to the loss of energy, or power.   Working with my power animals and spirit guides my intention is to balance these issues, often seeking to return lost energy, remove negativity and returning you to wholeness. 

Soul Retrieval:

At the heart of shamanic Practice is the sacred ceremony of Soul retrieval. Soul loss occurs when we experience trauma, shock, pain or loss. A part of the soul, an essence, leaves the body as a natural defense mechanism to avoid the pain of a particular situation. Symptoms of soul loss include chronic depression, disassociation, addictions, illness, prolonged grief, PTSD, memory gaps, and disconnection from the body. Causes for soul loss can include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, the death of a loved one, including a pet, loss of job, financial loss, childbirth, divorce or separation, hospitalisation, surgery, any kind of abuse, illness, accidents, natural disasters and war.  Working with my spirit allies, I journey to find the lost soul part/parts and return it to my client. This is a beautiful process and I always feel profoundly honoured to be a channel for my clients soul journey!

Power Retrieval 

 Each of us has a spirit guardian whose job it is to protect and empower us. These guardians may take the form of an animal and help us with power, protection, energy, and vitality. Each animal has great wisdom and brings specific gifts, talents, strengths and purpose in helping an individual. Power animals choose people, not the other way round.  I journey with my spirit guardians to  bring back your power animal along with the gifts this spiritual ally brings to help you. Symptoms of power loss can be similar to the symptoms of soul loss and can include: chronic illness, chronic misfortune, long-term victimisation, long-term depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Soul Remembering:

Working with my guides, I journey to receive guidance on your life purpose, what talents, skills and gifts you have and how soul wants these to be utilised.  I then share this guidance with you, including a symbol which the soul has given to me to bring to you as a reminder of who you are on a core level, the Light you carry, and your connection to The Divine Source.

Ancestral Healing:

There are times when ancestral healing is necessary for an individual to move forward on his/her path.  Working with my spiritual allies I communicate with your ancestors offer healing or to be a bridge for information from the ancestors to you. Types of healing that occur with ancestral work include the lifting of family curses, removal of unhealthy contracts, healing a deceased soul or group of souls in the family line, and assisting you in the completion of unfinished business.

 My Shamanic Healing Sessions are available online with Zoom or Messenger. The sessions are for 90 minutes the investment is £55.


“ Jayne has helped me with Shamanic Healing, to the extent that I no longer feel the acute anxiety that ruled my life  and I now feel contented and at ease with myself. I highly  recommend this very gifted and remarkable Healer! “ N. M. Exeter.
" I have received the most amazing Shamanic  Healing from Jayne.  The soul retrieval sessions were so profound and the relief that came from this has lifted so much tension from me, I am feeling Brilliant!"  M. L. Kingsbridge.

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Angel Therapy
Angel Therapy

I have always been aware of the loving presence of Angels. Using various practices, I help you to connect to your own Angels to assist you in all areas of your life.  Sessions can include guided visualisation,  Angel guide connection, automatic drawing, dowsing, Tarot , Angel Life Coaching and healing. 




                                  😇 A Beautiful Angel Healing Journey for Wellness and Abundance.

 😇Join me for this amazing Angel Healing journey to clear your blocks to abundance. We will connect to the healing energies of your own guardian angels and the Archangels to help you clear and heal issues in your life so that you can be in the flow of love, ease, health, wealth, joy, and success!

Each week you will:

😇 Have an online group Angel coaching and healing session with me. These are very powerful and create shifts within your energy, as you clear the old stories that are holding you back. This makes space for you to create a positive, loving and empowering way of being.

😇 Learn how to use sacred tools and Angelic ceremonies to clear and protect your energy.

Connect to your Guardian Angels and Archangels, to help you to step fully into your power.

Receive daily Angel guidance to empower you as you step into your best level energy.

Receive channelled recordings from the Angels, to listen to everyday to integrate the teachings and guidance of the course.

😇 The weekly Angel coaching and healing sessions will be on Zoom, Wednesdays 10.30 – 12.00. They will be recorded, for you to keep and watch as many times as you wish to.


 ⭐Develop a strong relationship with your own guardian angels.

⭐ Work with the Archangels and guides

⭐Work with crystals to enhance your Angelic connection.

⭐Make Angel crystal essences for creating a beautiful energetic space for meditation and healing.

⭐Give angelic healing to your family and friends.

⭐Use angelic energy for self- healing.

⭐Give angelic healing to your pets.

⭐Work with the Angels of nature for the healing of Mother Earth and all your Earth Family.

😇Each week you have a live zoom one - one call with me. These include guided meditations with your Angels and the Archangels.

😇Week 1. In this first zoom live session, I will lead a beautiful, guided journey for you to connect with your guardian angels for guidance on your life path. You will learn about the different ways that your angels communicate with you, so you can develop a strong and clear relationship with them.

😇Week 2. This week will focus on the healing power of crystals and how to work with them to enhance your angelic connection. I will show you how to create beautiful Angel crystal essence sprays, that you can use to clear your aura and raise your vibration so that your angels can connect with you more easily. The essences can be used for all kinds of healing purposes and they make beautiful presents for your friends and loved ones.

😇Week 3. I will lead a wonderful, guided journey, for you to connect to the beautiful Archangels of healing, for your self-healing practice. I will also teach you how to give angelic healing to your family and friends.

Week 4. There will be a beautiful, guided journey to meet the angels of nature, for healing of Mother Earth and all your Earth family. I will teach you how to give angelic healing to your pets and other animals.


⭐You will also have daily guidance steps, channelled messages from the Angels and uplifting affirmations.

                                                         ⭐ INVESTMENT FOR THE 30 DAYS IS £95⭐

 😇Also available on a one-one basis, message me for details.😇

. ⭐To book a place or to find out more, message me on here or email 

Angel Blessings

Jayne. 😇💖


A beautiful one- to - one healing experience combining an Angel tarot reading   with channelled healing from the Archangels and your own Angel guides.

This session will empower you to live your life, as you desire it to be.


😇Angel tarot is a beautiful mirror that reflects your life choices and offers guidance on how you can make changes that resonate deeply with you. I will channel powerful energy healing from the Angel guides, to heal the issues that are blocking your path to what desire and truly deserve.

😇My sessions are online, with Zoom, and provide a safe and lovingly held space for you to connect with the beautiful healing energy of the Angels.

 You will receive a recording of the session and a picture of the card reading, so that you can easily follow the guidance and keep the Angel connection working with you.

😇The session is for 90 minutes, and the investment is £55.



“ Thank you so much Jayne for the Angel Tarot card reading , it was very helpful, and definitely related to my current situation, which was quite amazing!  JM. Ashburton.

" I went to see Jayne for help with some very difficult issues in my life.  During the session I had the most amazing connection with my guardian angel and a spirit guide who helped me to see the way ahead.  I am now much happier and  positive about  the direction I am going and I know that I am supported every step of the way! I have now started a new career in Herbal Medicine, this is something that I  have always dreamed of doing, but just couldn't see a way forward. Jayne has helped me to fully connect to my Angel guides and I am now walking my own path of power and love.  Thank you so much Jayne for your amazing guidance, love and support!"  M. I. Surrey.

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